Black Eagle Falls at Sunset

Posted July 19, 2011

After a wonderful dinner the other night at The Cattlemen’s Cut Supper Club between Great Falls and Vaughn, we drove back to Great Falls and decided a walk along the River’s Edge Trail was in order.

Lucky for me, my camera was in the car so I grabbed it before we started our walk.

Since we’ve had so much rain and also moisture from snowmelt this early-summer, the water going over all of the hydro-electric power dams on Great Falls’ waterfalls is spectacular. My plan was to take a photo of the water but I ended up also getting a couple of great sunset photos.

This first photo is sunset. I usually say you “have to be there” to enjoy the sunset but I still like this photo.

An overlook for Black Eagle Falls (from the south side of the river) is easily accessible off River Drive in Great Falls. This photo was taken from the River’s Edge Trail though, so you get a more up-close view of the water.

I turned around to make sure our group wasn’t wandering too far and then I noticed another very pretty glow looking to the east (downstream on the Missouri River).

I’m not sure what created this dramatic color that night but it was worth a photo!

Both of these photos were taken just minutes apart. My advice to anybody – keep your camera handy and capture north central Montana’s beauty!

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