Sportsmen – hunters, fishermen, hikers, motorcyclers and more – are a diverse group, and we welcome them to our 13 counties in north central Montana.
Russell Country recently attended the International Sportsmen’s Expo in Denver, CO and interest in visiting the region was strong.
On day one I thought I had a good summary of who the attendee at the sportsman show was – I determined it was fishermen. Well, we were located right by their indoor casting ponds (an excellent location) so at first we probably did visit with more folks who were interested in fishing. Throughout the show though we spent a lot of time explaining Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks’ block management program for big game hunters and upland game bird hunters, our great scenic routes for those interested in taking the road less traveled, and many other activities like our hands-on dinosaur digs.
When we have a booth at consumer shows we always have a chance to visit with former Montanans or people who have family living here. Russell Country sees a lot of repeat visitors – I’d say that’s because we treat our visitors well – and it’s fun to hear those great travel stories.
It’s mighty easy to stand in a booth and tout the attributes of Russell Country!