Living History Day- Fort Assinniboine

Living History Day- Fort Assinniboine

June 01, 2024 | Havre, Montana

Event Date(s):

June 01, 2024

Event Address:

6 miles south of Havre along Hwy 87, Havre, MT

Contact Info

(406) 262-7656

Visit Our Website

Event Details

Fort Assinniboine, one of the largest forts built, was constructed in 1879 after the US Army defeated and captured the Nez Perce band of Chief Joseph in the Battle of the Bear Paw. At its maximum extent in 1880 it garrisoned more than 750 officers, enlisted men and their families, with 104 buildings.

A full slate of fun and educational activities is planned for Living History on June 1.

The day’s activities begin at 10 a.m. with tours of Fort Assinniboine from the comfort of the Black-Jack Wagon. Use of the Black Jack Wagon allows us to give an extended tour of the historic fort which gives the visitor a more impressive view of the size and grandeur that was Fort Assinniboine. The special price for these tours is only ten dollars.

Also available to help start the day will be free coffee and cookies.

Available again this year will be the Bullhook Bottoms Black Powder Club. The club will be showing off their large collection of antique firearms and also giving some lucky youngsters the opportunity to pull the cord that fires their cannon.

If you bring your appetite with you, a free will offering lunch will be provided. The menu this year will be pulled pork with pork-n- beans, chips and a beverage.

The fort Interpretive Center and museum will be open for inspection and our guests will be able to inspect our selection of gift shop items for sale. These items include books, post cards and enhanced slate roof tiles that once covered one of the buildings at the fort. In addition to the Interpretive Center, the Officer’s Amusement Hall and the Guard House being open for viewing, a new feature this year will be a never seen before BOQ apartment. Tours of this feature have been requested for years and we are finally able to make it available.

The day will also include several individuals wearing period costumes. These will include 19th century infantry uniform, cavalry reenactors with their mounts and a Royal Canadian Mounted Police uniform.

The special tours will end at 3:00 p.m.

10 am - 3 pm

About Havre, Montana

Elevation: 2,493

Population: 9,328

County: Hill

Havre, an agricultural city, is situated close to the Canadian border amidst the wide panorama of the open plains. Also a railroad town, it offers modern city conveniences in a remote setting, surrounded by unaltered and uncluttered plains. The economy is diversified with farming, ranching, hospital... ...

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