Fairfield, Montana
About Fairfield, Montana
In March and April birders flock to Fairfield to watch as hundreds of thousands snow geese and over ten thousand tundra swans descend on Feezeout Lake during their annual migration. Just north of Fairfield, Freezout straddles US Hwy 89 on both sides of the highway. Today Fairfield proudly boasts the title of "Malting Barley Capital of the World" because of all the malt barley grown in the area. Agriculture was not always so prosperous. It was not until 1929 when Gibson Dam was completed in the Sun River Canyon that farming began to thrive in the region. Today, the Greenfield Irrigation District delivers water to eighty three thousand acres of some of the best grain land in the country.
In addition to birders in March, Feezeout Lake attracts iceboaters in the winter months, boaters in the summer and hunters in the fall. Wildlife viewers will love Fairfield. In November, visitors to nearby Sun River Canyon can watch bighorn sheep battle for the leadership of one of the largest herds in the country. Nearer to town, Fairfield offers a nine hole golf course with dramatic vistas of the Rocky Mountain Front. The third Saturday of July people flock to Fairfield's beautiful municipal park and swimming pool for the community's annual Swim Day reunion.