
Rudyard, Montana

Elevation: 3,114

Population: 392

County: Hill

Current Conditions
55 °F
55 °F / 37 °F
38 °F / 23 °F
34 °F / 20 °F
43 °F / 26 °F

About Rudyard, Montana

Rudyard lies just a mile off US Hwy 2 on the stretch of Hi-Line between Havre and Shelby. Significant fossil finds from the area are housed in Rudyard's Depot Museum which is part of the Montana Dinosaur Trail. Rudyard has converted the old train depot into a museum and in addition to displaying many of the dinosaur finds the Depot Museum contains displays of homesteader tools, transportation and household goods. A school house, teacherage, post offices, blacksmith shop, and farm equipment are also on the museum grounds. The Hi-Line Vintage Motors Museum in Rudyard proudly displays twenty one vintage automobiles in a re-appropriated implement shop.