Cupcakes, Bread and Bacon at Cory Block Bakery

Fresh decorated cupcakes at Cory Block Bakery

A few weeks ago I had a behind-the-scenes tour of Cory Block Bakery in downtown Great Falls. I had eaten lunch there a few times and I suppose I should admit that I had found my way there for a breakfast pastry a time or two.

Manager Alyssa Storrusten learned her culinary skills in Canada and her favorite thing to make is cupcakes. Beautiful cupcakes! She uses locally grown and milled organic grains and local honey in her breads. While I was there one of the bakers was getting ready to push Kamut baguettes into the massive oven. Kamut, an ancient Khorasan grain from Egypt, is now grown near Big Sandy, Montana

Bread comes out of the oven, Kamut and dried cranberry baguettes are ready to go in.

and gives bread a texture that I absolutely love.

I saw sausage rolls in the deli case, something my German neighbor would love, and they would be a tasty breakfast if I could only get past the pastries!

The Lewis & Clark snack bar is on my list of favorites. Made with sunflower seeds, flax, pistachios, pumpkin seeds, chocolate chips, sesame seeds, oatmeal, agave, peanut butter and two or three more ingredients (are you hungry yet?), this snack bar is definitely delish – buy two so when you crave one the next day you’ll have it!

Lunch time at Cory Block Bakery sees a steady stream of hungry folks coming in for deli-style sandwiches and soups. You choose what kind of fresh homemade bread you want, then select from a variety of meats and cheeses. Need to eat gluten free? Cory Block Bakery can accommodate that.

Bacon – lots of bacon!

The current “sandwich of the week” is The Grinch with roasted red pepper hummus, cucumbers, tomatoes, red onions and lettuce on Challah bread. Oh yeah, it also has magic green sauce, a nod to the Grinch. Check Cory Block Bakery’s Facebook page for the weekly sandwich.

During a quick behind the counter tour I saw the largest amount of bacon cooking that I had ever seen. I’m thinking there are a lot of people who like a piece of bacon on their deli sandwich!

Breads were in different proofing stages, the entire bakery had a wonderful fresh baked bread aroma, and it felt warm and cozy.

Cory Block Bakery is located at #4 – 5th Street South in downtown Great Falls in a beautifully restored historic building. The front part of the bakery is all window panes, including a garage door with window panes that opens during warm weather.

The next time your tummy tells you its hungry, a visit to Cory Block Bakery might be just what it needs.

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