The Sweet Grass Hills
in Central Montana

Shelby, Valier, Conrad and Chester all have impressive views of the Sweet Grass Hills, along central Montana’s northern border, and the Rocky Mountains to the west. Shelby is located at the crossroads of I-15 and Highway 2, just 89 miles east of Glacier National Park. Site of the Dempsey/Gibbons fight July 4, 1923.
- Sweet Grass/Coutts - 35 miles north of Shelby on I-15, 24-hour US/Canada port, duty-free shopping. Jerusalem Rocks sandstone formations, west of Sweet Grass on county road for 4 miles.
- Sweet Grass Hills - Take I-15 north 27 miles to Sunburst, then east on Nine Mile road for 9 miles. Scenic views, hiking.
- Marias Museum - Shelby. Open Memorial Day through Labor Day. Dempsey/Gibbons fight memorabilia.
- Indoor Pool & Racquetball - Shelby. Come and play with us. Open year ’round.
- Lake Elwell - 20-40 miles from Shelby, Highway 2 East. Takes you to several marked access roads, camping, boating, fishing, marina. Hookups available.
- Lake Frances - 15 miles south 1n I-15, 15 miles west on Highway 44, at Valier. Swimming, boating, windsurfing, fishing, camping, picnicking, restaurant, lodging.
- Williamson Park - Near Shelby. Picnicking, riverfront access.
- Marias Valley Golf Course - 5 miles south of Shelby on I-15, then take marked road for 4 miles. 18-holes, restaurant, pro shop. Open to the public.
- Liberty Village Art Center and Liberty County Museum - 42 miles east of Shelby in Chester. Open year ’round (fee).
- Toole County Library - Shelby. See an extensive Plains Indian artifact exhibit. Open year ’round (no fee).
- Pondera Golf Club - 9-hole course, open to the public. 1 mile west of Conrad on the Conrad-Dupuyer road.
- Conrad Transportation and Historical Museum - Conrad. Open May through September (fee). (406) 278-0178.
Shelby Chamber of Commerce, (406) 434-7184.