Great Falls of the Missouri at Ryan Dam
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The Falls of the Missouri

Named after a series of waterfalls on the Missouri River, Great Falls is centrally located in Central Montana. Travelers can visit all areas of the region in an easy day’s drive.

  • 1 Giant Springs State Park - 5 miles east of downtown Great Falls on River 6 Drive (user fee). On your way, view Black Eagle Dam and Falls, Giant Springs, Roe River, state fish hatchery and Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks Visitor Center. Open year ’round (no fee). Picnic and recreation facilities available.
  • 2 River’s Edge Trails - 19-mile paved and 26-mile dirt and gravel non-motorized use trail which follows the Missouri River from Oddfellows Park, through Gibson Park (downtown Great Falls), past Lewis & Clark National Historic Trail Interpretive Center and Giant Springs State Park, toward Crooked Falls Overlook.
  • 3 Rainbow Dam and Falls Overlook - 1 mile beyond Giant Springs on Giant Springs Road. To view the other falls, take US Highway 87 north 4 miles, turn on Ryan Dam Road and travel east 5 miles to Ryan Dam. Continue 6 miles to Morony Dam.
  • 4 Golf - 18-hole courses: Eagle Falls Golf Club (406) 761-1078, south of the Missouri River. Anaconda Hills Golf Course (406) 761-8459, north of the Missouri. Hickory Swing Golf Club (406) 452-9400.
  • 5 First Peoples Buffalo Jump - Take I-15 west of Great Falls for 9 miles, turn at Ulm and follow signs for 4 miles. Hiking trails, picnic area and Visitor Center.
  • 6 Historic Fort Shaw - 11 miles north on I-15, turn at Vaughn and take US Highway 87 west to Fort Shaw. On your way, view Adams Stone Barn.
  • 7 Benton Lake Wildlife Refuge - 14 miles north of Great Falls on US Highway 87. Wildlife viewing. Open year ’round (no fee).
  • 8 Museums - C.M. Russell Museum (400 13th Street North), log studio and home. Open year ’round (fee). Paris Gibson Square Museum of Art, 1400 1st Ave. North (fee). The History Museum, 422 2nd Street South, open year ’round (fee). The Children’s Museum of Montana, 22 Railroad Square, Tuesday - Saturday. Ursuline Centre (2300 Central Ave.), museum, meeting and retreat center. Tours by appointment. Galerie Trinitas, University of Great Falls campus, open Tuesday and Thursday, Noon to 3.
  • 9 Lewis & Clark National Historic Trail Interpretive Center - Located along the Missouri River in Giant Springs Heritage State Park. Exhibits detail the 1804-1806 Lewis & Clark Expedition and their encounters with the Plains Indians. Outdoor living history area. Open year ’round (fee). (406) 727-8733.

Great Falls Convention & Visitors Bureau, (406) 761-4436.

The Falls of the Missouri Day Trip Map