Gildford, Montana
About Gildford, Montana
Gildford was a station on the Great Northern High Line named for Guildford (Surrey) England. Modern Gildford is a grain marketing town for Northern Plains farmers who raise excellent spring wheat. Trappers wintered at Sage Creek Crossing where there was good feed and water for their horses. When Sage Creek ran freely from the spring thaw, they loaded their furs on crude rafts and floated them to Fort Benton. G. Fred Mundy built a flour mill and during the hard days of poor crops and low grain prices, he found grain for impoverished homesteaders, which gave them cereal to eat and some feed for animals. The mill has become a landmark and Gilford's primary industry. (from Cheney's Names on the Face of Montana, Mountain Press Publishing Company)
Gildford is near the Fresno Reservoir and there is camping and fishing access at Fresno Tailwater. Further down the road, Big Sandy offers a look at local history at the Big Sandy Historic Museum. Gildford is also just a few miles from Havre. The Rocky Boy's Indian Reservation is near Gildford as well. At the Rocky Boy's Indian Reservation Chippewa and Cree Indians maintain a strong heritage through the annual powwow, featuring authentic Native American dancers and competitions, and other attractions.