Conrad, Montana
About Conrad, Montana
Set in the middle of vast rolling plains, Conrad has long served as a commercial and trade center. The town marks the half-way point of the old Whoop-Up trail that ran from Fort Benton to Lethbridge, Alberta Canada. The Great Falls & Canada Railway ran a narrow gauge line along the Whoop-Up. Later the Great Northern purchased the company and followed the line with a standard gauge of their own. Since then, a number of industries have made their mark in Conrad, but pillars of the community have always been agriculture, oil and tourism.
The land around Conrad offers prime hunting and wildlife viewing. To the west lies the Bob Marshall Wilderness Complex with 1.5 million acres of primitive backcountry sure to please hikers, backpackers, and horseback riders. Conrad also offers slightly tamer pursuits including the nine-hole Pondera Golf and Country Club, a swimming pool, baseball complex, bowling alley, tennis courts, parks and health club. In addition, the beautifully restored Orpheum Theater offers live performances as well as movie screenings. Next door to the theater is an original soda fountain in a local drug store. While in Conrad be sure to visit the Conrad Transportation and Historical Museum. Located in an old car dealership, the museum has many displays, including a homestead cabin, an old fashioned drug store and transportation exhibits.