Beaver Creek Park
Birding Trails
From Havre, take County Road 234 south to Beaver Creek Park (milepost 10).
General Information
Lush streamsides pull in birds at Hill Country's Beaver Creek Park, the largest county park in the U.S. The Park is a mile-wide strip following the creek 17 miles in the Bear Paw Mountains, an island range rising from a sea of grass. Day use fee.
Rolling grasslands, lake, brushy stream, aspen/cottonwood groves, cliffs
Highlighted Species
Western/Clark’s grebe, American white pelican (Beaver Creek Reservoir); long-billed curlew, mountain bluebird, Swainson’s and ferruginous hawks (grasslands); yellow-breasted chat, Wilson’s warbler, sora, Wilson’s snipe, Lazuli bunting (streamside); Baltimore and Bullock’s orioles, ovenbird, American redstart (aspen/cottonwood groves); rock wren, golden eagle (cliffs).
Facilities and Services
Camping, toilets, trails. All services in Havre.
Beaver Creek Park
Hill County Parks Department
Havre, MT 59501