Fairfield Area Chamber of Commerce
Fairfield, Montana
Physical Address:
200 Central Ave, Fairfield, MT 59436
Mailing Address:
PO Box 776, Fairfield, MT 59436
Contact Info
About Fairfield Area Chamber of Commerce
The Fairfield Chamber of Commerce welcomes you to Fairfield. We gather information of new businesses, expanding businesses, calendar of events for our area, and economic development activities. News about successful people in our community such as our athletes, teachers, and business leaders is another area we have information on. Our chamber assists new residents or prospective residents with information on schools, banking, housing by guiding them to those who can provide the information they need.
Fairfield Area Chamber of Commerce Activities
Fairfield Area Chamber of Commerce Amenities
Fairfield Area Chamber of Commerce Reservations
All Year
Monday - Friday: 9:00am - 4:00pm
About Fairfield Area Chamber of Commerce
The Fairfield Chamber of Commerce welcomes you to Fairfield. We gather information of new businesses, expanding businesses, calendar of events for our area, and economic development activities. News about successful people in our community such as our athletes, teachers, and business leaders is another area we have information on. Our chamber assists new residents or prospective residents with information on schools, banking, housing by guiding them to those who can provide the information they need.
Fairfield Area Chamber of Commerce Activities
Fairfield Area Chamber of Commerce Amenities
Fairfield Area Chamber of Commerce Reservations
All Year
Monday - Friday: 9:00am - 4:00pm
About Fairfield, Montana

In March and April birders flock to Fairfield to watch as hundreds of thousands snow geese and over ten thousand tundra swans descend on Feezeout Lake during their annual migration. Just north of Fairfield, Freezout straddles US Hwy 89 on both sides of the highway. Today Fairfield proudly boasts... ...
Learn More about Fairfield