Spiffing Things Up

I was driving across town in Great Falls today and went through the First Avenue North underpass. The walls of the underpass have been painted in years past but they were sorely in need of a little spiffing up.

The downtown Business Improvement District realized the need, offered a prize for the top design submitted, artists were selected and the project is now underway…in the underpass.

I parked my car by the Children’s Museum and walked down to the underpass where local artist Kelli Lawson was working on the mural. The last time I saw the mural it looked like sky, a green field and golden straw. Now there is a fence and pretty soon there will be a cowgirl, thanks to Kelli and several other artists.

It’s a hot day for outside painting but the artists were taking advantage of some shade and also realizing that they needed to complete the project.

Just one side of the underpass will be painted this year due to budget. Next year the other side will be done.

Each time I see the mural it looks good – and, it just gets better!

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