Some What The Hay Competition

Aha! The latest word on the street is that someone, who looks a lot like Art Taft, has been secretly building an entry for the What The Hay competition Sunday, September 12. Nobody would have known except for a garage door inadvertently left open.

Although this photo doesn’t show the entire entry you have to wonder if this haybale artist really knows what he is doing! You can’t even figure out what the cre-hay-tion is supposed to be.

In the middle of the night, many entries will appear on the Montana Bale Trail route between Hobson, Utica and Windham, Montana.

Ballots for people’s choice will be handed out at each entry (Hobson and Windham) beginning at 8am Sunday.


Food and crafts are also available at the craft fair in Utica and also at the MidWay Caf-hay east of Utica. Of course, the Oxen Yoke in Utica serves monster burgers and several restaurants in Hobson and Windham will be open.

The Travelocity roaming gnome is also scheduled to attend the event Sunday and I’ve heard a few cowboys singing “Gnome, Gnome on the Range” these past few days.

Ah yes, What The Hay fever has taken over the Montana Bale Trail in central Montana. It looks like a mightly good time!



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